Well, I think I need to cram in a few posts before Christmas especially when our website was down for a wee while. Some people may need an extra dose of Munchkin and Gnome…Ha-Ha!
Anyway, the first grey water pond is dug and is receiving washing machine, dish-washing and bathing water. It’s not completely full because of our conservative use of water (still hauling buckets due to pressure tank giving out) and it has been dry and sunny. Here is a picture of Gnome digging…I cannot emphasize how hard it was to move this heavy dirt with a spade and muscle power…

Moving quickly on, we are constructing more concrete beds to plant cassava, sweet potato varieties (we have the Belizean yellow, the orangey one and a purple!!) and any other root we can get our hands on. In our efforts to plant roots and tubers, we have found that the raised bed works the best since the soil is loose and it allows ease of digging. Also, with the torrential rains here, the beds are good for water drainage.

Panda and I have been clearing at the pond area. Mostly we are using machete and muscle power. Gnome says that I should take snap shot pictures every week so that we can see the work coming along; it is a shame that I didn’t take the pictures from the beginning because this place was just bush! Anyway, I am pleased with our efforts and I am happy that I can wield a machete and chop things up; I use it as a cardiovascular workout!

You can see the bamboo in the picture; before the place was cleared, you could only see the high tufts. The plan is to plant bamboo all down the east side of the area.

This used to be all bush!! Look at the work of Panda and Munchkin!! Look at that!!
And this is the west side:

This is the line cleared on the west side. So, there you go…this is how we all keep fit on the farm. No need for exercise bikes and jogging…
I will leave you with a sunset picture from our farm; you can see the silhouette of the palms underneath and the swirls in the sky are amazing to look at:

Okay, I think I got the hang of WordPress 5…