I sometimes find it entertaining to post pictures of my food up because I do realise that probably nobody really cares!! Ha-Ha!! We had a lovely Christmas together…just the two of us. This year, we gave gifts to each other (we don’t always do this because it can become a habit rather than acting out of spontaneity) . We buy the gifts together on-line and then present them to each other on Christmas Day. We both got fountain pens to write our diaries; we have started writing on a daily basis and I found that a ubiquitous ball-point pen was lasting me two weeks and I was storing up a massive collection of empty Bic pens under the bed. Okay, no more plastic things to throw away…I am now using a fountain pen which seems to be more ecological. We also got leather tool bags (for putting around our waists) which are fantastic for holding all our tools on the farm. I am very pleased with mine because I have been carrying all my stuff in a Reimer’s corn burlap bag. I feel like a fashion Munchkin!

We had our main Christmas meal at lunch time since I was brought up in Scotland but that is as far as my Scottish Christmas tradition goes as you will see from our unconventional festive dishes:
This is the main course: beef heart medallions with caramelised onions, shiitake mushrooms, water chestnuts, Barbados gooseberry and Chinese red dates. Potatoes were baked in charcoal. Fennel and sorrel as garnish. Ta-da…

Salad consisted of greens from Munchkin’s garden which included rocket, sorrel (roselle) calyces, Malabar spinach and edible calamondin peel.

Dessert was a chocolate-spice cake and Munchkin’s lemon ice-cream with Chocolate Velvet (see Apothecary) drizzled on top:

There you go…after all this and the left-overs, we are going onto vegetable soups for a while…
We are going on Walkabout for a while so see you in a while!!