We are going from dry to wet season right now and there seems to be a more apparent transition this time round. It’s raining at night and in the daytime it gets seriously hot when the water from the rain evaporates. It’s like wading about in a sauna!! Is this Paradise, by the way…
Anyway, do you remember that we had a lovely yellow duckie co-habiting with the guinea pigs because she was a one-duckie incubator hatch? She started off really small (of course ha-ha!!).

And the she got bigger and bigger in the guinea pig metropolis so we started calling her Duckie-zilla…the awkward teenage years…

She is the first of a new generation of laying duckies and so we have dubbed her Dalai Duckie. Well now she has turned into a beautiful golden yellow duck so she is also called The Golden Maiden.
Here she is and she is out with the older generation of duckies. What a beauty:

Ooooh and one more…

She has started laying already. Now we have 7 laying duckies so the plan is to start replacing the older 6 with a new generation. The old generation are still going strong despite being over 5 years old; apparently, ducks lay good numbers up until the age of 5. That’s according to information on the Internet…we have to see what real ducks actually do!!