Just a quickie to let you know that we are back on-line. We were up at 5am this morning in preparation for the technicians coming to change our antenna. We had to be ready for them because the antenna was attached to a 45 foot pole!!

They told us to receive them at 8am prompt; they arrived at 9.15am. One of the guys had to drive back into town because they forgot the antenna!! Anyway, it took half an hour to change the antenna and three and a half hours to find the signal. They actually ended up lowering the post to 30 feet to get a signal! The signal comes off the main tower in a pyramidal shape so the further you are away from the tower (but still within range) the height of the receiving antenna actually becomes lower. So, now our Internet is working better because we have a good signal!!
Yay!! You will be getting our regular posts again!!