Hello!! On Sunday, we had a huge downpour at lunch time. We both looked at each other and said, “…the flood flies are going to come out tonight.” They usually come out at dusk in swarms, first of all around the house and when it gets dark, they come inside because they are attracted to the light. This is the nuptial flight of the termites when the queen and drones start mating and begin new colonies.

They leave a trail of wings in their path; it’s usually a devastating mess!!

Not this year for us!! We fed all the animals early at 4pm and stuck a hurricane light bang in the middle of the duckie coop. We had a quickie dinner (still entails cooking but not my usual prolonged routine) , showered and were in bed by 6pm. Lights off!! The most important thing is to switch off all lights!! That way they don’t enter the house. The next morning: a few wings were scattered in the window areas but nowhere as awful as previous years! We presume also that the flood flies were attracted to the duck coop light and we hoped that the ducks took the opportunity to feast on them that night.
The flood flies usually herald the beginning of the wet season. Gnome is still busy with construction so we are trying to “get a move on.” It’s a race against time right now and once we get into July, it is usually too wet to get anything done outside. I am lining up the inside chores for wet season already. This is what Gnome’s response to my scheduling:
“…don’t I get a break, woman??”
My response: