Hello All:
This is a quick clarification…
The only one with the mouth ulcer (which has now gone, thanks to serosi tea…and not eating deep fried yum-yums….) was the Munchkin. The Gnome didn’t have them and neither did the Panda. The one who threw the wobbly and has been chopping was the Panda, not the Munchkin (well, not this time, anyway).
For those of you that didn’t realise this, there is one woodland creature (a Panda) and two deep earth creatures (the Munchkin and the Gnome) who are writing on this blog. Don’t get us confused!!
The Munchkin lives with the Gnome and both of them get up to mischief in the bush (since we both came up from deep beneath the earth to live a new life on the surface). The Munchkin is cute, bossy and likes to be in charge. The Gnome is philosophical, surly, skinny and generally not very friendly. Both are not very popular, if Blog stats are any indication to go by.
The Panda is the new kid on the block and he is trying to find enlightenment by tempering his spirit with hard physical labour, isolation and discovering his own thoughts. He is emotional and is learning to be in touch with his feelings. He likes working with bamboo. He is also very, very popular and really pumps-up our blog stats each and every time he puts up a post!! 🙂
He is so popular that we are going to have to update our About Us page to include him and give him some credit.
Okay, everybody on the same page now?