I am sure you may have had your suspicions when you wonder how to two doctors can maintain a farm, do all the wiring, plumbing and mechanics, make apothecary products and also see patients. Surely, there must be The Brains behind the operation that is co-ordinating Da Gnome and Munchkin? Yes, today we reveal el jefe in his full glory:
Waiting to be chauffeur driven:

Bossie supervising soap-making:

El jefe deep in comtemplation over the structure and organisation of Casa Mascia:

Do Not Disturb The Brains:

Just a bit of fun and humour for a Tuesday night…
On a different note, here is something for a special friend of ours who is going through a difficult time.
Munchkin has chosen this heart-wrenching song for you and will cry along with you:
And Gnome has chosen this song for you. He will sing along with you too:
Have a Good Night!!