Cor Blimey…that Duckie-zilla is getting monstrously huge!! Mayor Gnome had no choice but to calm down the general snorts of displeasure, whining and squealing coming from Zazen Temple of Piggies (ZTOP).
If you don’t know the story already, we have a 12 week duck living with our guinea pigs. It was a single hatchling from our first incubator experiment. It started off small and well, got bigger and bigger. So, the running joke is that she is Duckie-zilla is invading the poor inhabitants of the guinea pig cage. The problem is that she really does prefer the company of the guinea pigs and every-time we try to put her in with the other ducks, she gets all stressed out.
Mayor Gnome always has to come to the rescue and everything on the farm has to come to a standstill to sort out the animals.

Mayor Gnome:
“Well, she’s actually really happy being with you lot…she refuses to quack and go off with her own lot. My only choice at this point is a ZTOP extension…”
Well here it is; it’s kinda like a semi-d or extension of council flats (you know what we mean if you live in the UK). Otherwise, it’s really just like little houses bunched together sharing the same walls. Not luxurious but the piggies are exempt from council tax because they are a religious group. All funded by Mayor Gnome…donations accepted of course… 🙂

We also have the new duckies on the block with big duckie; our plan is that these two will latch on and eventually they will all go out foraging together.

Mayor Gnome has extended the guinea pig cage so that there are now four “houses.” The first two houses have guinea pigs (one male with a harem of 4 or 5 females). Gnome has removed the wall from the last two houses to give the duckies more room; they are sharing with the baby guinea pigs. The ceiling is a bit higher in this last house so big duckie doesn’t have to stoop so much.

The Zazen Temple has pleasant surroundings with its own swimming pool (sorry, a rock pool…not infinity pool…need more funding for something that special…ha-ha).

Mayor Gnome:
“Ok Piggies…that should keep you quiet for a while!”