Alas, I had to scrap my pair of yellow wellies. These were a spanking pair of wellies that I picked up in Brodies a couple of years ago. I loved them so much that I wore them all the time…even with my street gear and my prim and proper doctor’s attire.

Anyway, it is soooo wet in Toledo you have to wear boots…well, that is what I think after living here for 13 years. I distinctly hate wearing open toed shoes here because I don’t like getting mud in between my toes (just a personal preference). Anyway the boots have a history and we (Gnome and I) have romantically dug dirt, planted trees and done the farm chores together with these boots. So much so that they got into a real state. They became a rather manky yellow:

Duckie even imprinted on us because we both had “yellow feet.”

Anyway, they started getting too many holes and cracks so there was no point in wearing them as they had lost their purpose of protection. Of course, Gnome got a hold of the throw-away before I cast them into the fire.
“Oh, they are made of a very good material…you can make rather good gaskets with that….I’ll take them thank-you very much!”
And so my dear yellow wellie boots will live on as gaskets…I had to ask him: What’s a Gasket??!! He demonstrated by making the first one for the blender so that the liquid would stop leaking out:

Ahhhh…that’s what a gasket is…it forms a seal between two things to stop leakage. Munchkin learned something!!
Pretty handy and it works well so I can’t complain. Long live the yellow wellies in Gnome’s transformation magic.