The other day, Gnome went into the yard and then came straight back into the house and said:
“The male turkey is sitting on the turkey eggs!”
We both went to look and sure enough he had phased out into a deep meditative state whilst sitting on 9 eggs. We made sure that the eggs were intact (which they were) but we wondered if this behaviour was a “good thing.” The Over-Lord (the male turkey) has been a bit of a scamp and has broken the eggs in the turkey nest in the past. Mama turkey (The Duchess) seemed unperturbed with it all (like it was normal for a huge 20lb turkey to sit on her eggs) and was nimbly dashing about outside looking for yummy morsels to eat.
Another Google search: Do Male Turkeys Sit On Eggs.
And sure enough there are reports that male and female turkeys “share the workload” and are known to take turns (like work shifts) to set eggs. Okay….so after reading this, we decided not to chuck the Over-Lord off the eggs!!
Awwhhh….it is actually quite nice to see the Over-Lord and the Duchess working together. She is coming out more to forage for food and I throw some corn near the nest so that she doesn’t need to go so far. He hasn’t come off for 72 hours now!! Most of the time they are sharing the nest and are sitting side by side.
How Lovely….

This is not a good picture because I did not want to disturb them too much. If you look very closely, they are both there. Another two weeks ago until estimated date of hatching…we’ll keep you posted.