Tag Archives: Tropic Air

We Are Still Here!


Hello There!!  We are still here but experiencing some technical problems, amongst other things.  First of all, my faithful little hp Notebook died.  It gave one last exhalation, the lights blinked on and then off.  Alas, rest in peace my dear computer which has been our companion for six years and used to accompany us into town during our Internet cafe years.

RIP Computer.
RIP Computer.

And so we have one computer to share which is actually “Gnome’s Laptop.”  it has been hard to get a Munchkin schedule on the computer because Gnome is temporarily out of action.  Yes, the hand is still swollen…

Gnome's swollen hand wrapped up in scarf.
Gnome’s swollen hand wrapped up in scarf.

Gnome has been watching films back to back because he can’t do anything with a swollen left hand.  I really didn’t want to take the computer off him because he was seriously climbing the walls with boredom.  Anyway, the hand is getting better and I am sure we can work on a computer schedule so that I can write posts on a more regular basis!

Oh, and in addition to the computer breaking down (what next, huh?), the printer has carked it too!  So now we have to do “labels on-the go” as we get orders.  This means that before delivery, we have to go to the Internet cafe to print out labels.  We then cut and paste the labels in the car before we pack everything up to send.

Cutting and Labeling in the Truck.
Cutting and Labeling in the Truck.

The other day I forgot the glue stick so had to do another circle around town to pick up glue and return to Tropic Air to stick on the labels.  Last minute packing is done in the car-park at Tropic Air!!

Label and Pack Before Delivery!
Label and Pack Before Delivery!

Despite all this, I would like to think we are delivering the best service!!

Peach Palm Miso: The Basics.


We have had a great response with our Peach Palm Miso.  A Big Thank-you to all the people who bought it last week.  Their  support is much appreciated.  We even sent one packet on Tropic Air to Placencia. So, yes we can send this food product to anyone within the country via Tropic Air.  It is a fermented product so does not need special refrigeration.  Once you receive it, it should be refrigerated or stored in cool, dry place.  It is best consumed within 6 months but can be kept indefinitely…like all fermented products it actually gets more flavoursome with time.

Peach Palm Miso.
Peach Palm Miso.

To start with basics, to make a simple miso soup, dissolve one teaspoon of peach palm miso in hot water and simply enjoy!  Miso is a healthy pro-biotic food which can aid digestion and helps maintain healthy digestive flora.  Moreover, our miso, is made with peach palm and white rice koji only so it is completely gluten-free.


Anyone interested in purchasing Peach Palm Miso, please contact us by email or Facebook.  We can deliver within Punta Gorda on Wednesdays (tomorrow) or send by Tropic Air to the destination of your choice within Belize. Check out The Apothecary for prices.

Town Day.

Odd.Together.ShotHello Everyone!!  It is so difficult finding a time slot to write a post; right now, the Internet is reliable from 4am to about 8am…this is however, our outside farm time and business emailing.  After 8am, the Internet is virtually non-existent with a few minutes, now and then, of Internet activity to download emails.  Not enough to quickly write a post for a Blog.  At about 5pm, the Internet starts back up in spits and spurts…this is when I dive in and take my opportunity.  After 6pm, Gnome uses the computer/ Internet to do Linux stuff.  Oh and by the way, we share the one computer so that also limits usage.

Sometimes, because of all these complications, there is simply no opportunity to write a post.  Hence, the reason why you might get short periods of silence.

Anyway, it was town day today.  Instead of waking up at 4am, we made a compromise and woke up at 6am.  This is still really early because nothing really starts opening in Punta Gorda until about 9am.  The Government offices start at 8am but they aren’t really getting down to business until a later in the morning.  If you ask me…the best time to go a Government Office is at 11.30am which is just before lunch.  Don’t go at 11.45am because they will already be enroute to their favourite Rice and Beans joint.  Supermarkets (the majority are Chinese owned) open after 9am…the Chinese can be a tad tardy and if you drive pass one of this places, you usually see the Belizean workers loitering outside waiting for their Chinese bosses to open shop.  It is all very slow and everyone takes their own sweet time to start up.

So, at 6am, we were up and jumping about like hyperactive frogs waiting for the faithful opening hour.  Gnome was laughing at the fact that we had to wait three hours for everyone else to start.   It is extraordinary how farm life works on a completely different time line from town life!  Anyway, we mixed up a batch of chocolate soap in the interim:

Making Chocolate Soap.
Making Chocolate Soap.

We are making Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate and White Cocao Butter soap for the new tourist season in November.  This is the Milk Chocolate Soap:

Solid Chocolate Soap.
Solid Chocolate Soap.

Oooooh…looks like you could eat them!!

Anyway, we managed to get into town…trundling along slowly.  Here are some pictures of places that we frequent in Punta Gorda.

We usually pick up the “chocolate trash” from The Cotton Tree Chocolate Factory.  We use the trash for mulch around our trees:

Cotton Tree Chocolate.
Cotton Tree Chocolate.
Chocolate Waste For Our Trees.
Chocolate Waste For Our Trees.

And this is Tropic Air; we deliver all our orders nation-wide with Tropic Air because they are reliable, very friendly and they have a flight everyday so orders can be dispatched on the same day (yes…you can get 24 hour delivery in Belize).

Tropic Air Office.
Tropic Air Office.

The staff are absolutely lovely:

Tropic Air Staff.
Tropic Air Staff.

After town, we went to visit our friend Isabel at Cotton Tree Lodge.

Together.HorsesIt was really muddy and wet driving up to the lodge.  At one point, our wheels nearly got stuck…we had to go on 4-wheel drive for the whole time.  Boy, what a drive…the heavy rains have really made these back roads difficult to travel in.