Tag Archives: Queues

Munchkin at the Post Office.

Munchkin.Funny.Look.Yet.AnotherA visit to the Post Office in Belize is always full of surprises.  First of all, I opened up my post box to find that a Christmas Card had just arrived, 6 months late.  Inside, was written, “Hope your Christmas is full of wonderful surprises!” dated the 4th of December 2014. Wow, that was certainly a belated surprise.  I wonder where this card has travelled, in all this time from Australia to its final destination in Belize?  Mind-boggling, isn’t it?

Anyway, today I had to send a package overseas.  I need to tell you about what all this entails so that you know what it means when I send something by post.  I had been in the post office the week before with the same package to have it weighed and priced for delivery.  At this point it important to mention that there is seldom a queue in the post office but as soon as you walk into the tiny Government building, you feel time suddenly stops and everything moves at an infinitely slower pace.  Getting a package price means getting a weight done and a bizarre and mind-boggling calculation (which seems to change from week to week and is dependent on the pricing schedule whims of the clerk, the conjunction of the stars and blind luck).  You are talking about a 15 minute wait to get this information.

Upon delivery approval, I brought the package into the post office today…open..to be inspected by the postal staff.  The post clerk has to approve of all the contents and the packaging.  I am so careful to pack well because I have been sent home a few times with “inadequate packaging” and it was also a very hot Friday afternoon and they were just about to close.  I also have to go in armed with brown paper wrap, scissors and sellotape so that I can wrap up the box and have it sent on the same day.  I have learned to speed wrap within 60 seconds…not that it actually matters because the rest of the post office world is going at a snail pace. Otherwise, after inspection, you can actually take it back home to wrap up to then return to the post office for final posting!  This time, I got another surprise…the price of delivery was less than what was quoted the week before.  I wasn’t really that surprised…sometimes it is hit and miss…and most times, I actually lose out with delivery cost and have to pay extra.  Nevertheless, this time it was a positive surprise and I will have to get in touch with the recipient to tell them the good news.

Jumping.MunchkinThe postal service is one of the challenges of Belize.  It is not even something that you can complain or get upset about.  I have to like or lump it and try to work with the system.  I do still want to earn a little bit more money by sending our Apothecary items overseas so I persist with it and hopefully on each occasion, I can find something to be pleasantly surprised about.

Waiting in Belize.


Belize can really put the breaks on you if you live here.  Today was a “waiting day” as are most days!  I am not sure if it is something about Belize, or just something about life.  Here in this teeny weeny town of Punta Gorda, people can have the habit of  just stopping in the middle of a road to jump into a shop to buy something oblivious of the car that they are blocking behind.   I was behind such a car today…and, I just had to wait!

You see this mostly at the market in Punta Gorda where there is a procession of cars and somebody just stops to buy a pound of onions or a papaya.  If you are the unfortunate person caught behind that car, you have no choice but to wait.  And you have to be patient whilst the person is haggling for the best price with the market lady!

Whenever you queue up to pay a bill, the rule of thumb is to count to number of people in front of you and multiply this by 15 minutes and this will give you the average waiting time.  So, if there are 4 people in front of you, expect to wait one hour.  That’s just the way it is here.  I was in a couple of these queues today with eight people in front of me!  It can be a whole social event in a queue when you start talking to Mrs. W. in front of you complaining about the waiting time and you then turn to talk to the lady behind to talk about the weather.  Everybody else seems to have a jolly good time!

Punta Gorda makes you wait for everything.  Belize makes you wait!Sometimes it gets to me.  But, then I have to remind myself that I came here to Belize so that I didn’t need to rush head-long through life in a mad panic.