How is that for a catchy title. This one is about the noodle maker again…cannot help it…we love the machine!! With the pasta sheets that you make, you can them cut them into round skins to make dumplings. This post is more of a Picture Blog!!
Pasta sheets:

More pasta sheets:

We put a round bowl over the sheet and then used a sharp knife to cut around it to make round dumpling skins:

The noodle maker actually does come with a small dumpling maker. We did try to use it but it was teeny…you could only put one teaspoon of filling into it. It was laborious and tedious and we gave up after making about three of them. For our appetites, we would want to eat at least 50 between the two of us. It wasn’t worth the mess that it made because we tended to want to over-fill the dumpling and in the process of closing , a whole load of gooey mess would splat and splash everywhere. Splat…

After this, we took out our own dumpling maker…it is metal and a lot bigger…you can fill it with about 2 to 3 tablespoons of filling. Once you get into the swing of things, making fifty took about two hours. This would be the equivalent of about 8 meals for us. This was more fun and the larger size allowed easier filling and less splatting:

Some more dumplings:

We thought that having green dumplings looked really cool but when we fried them, they lost the colour and they just had that ubiquitous fried look. We won’t bother with the colour next time!

Okay, that is it for the dumpling blog post…something to do on a rainy day…talking of rain…it has been raining non-stop for days…