The last three nights we have been anticipating the flood flies; the nuptial flight of the termite queens (sounds very romantic, I know!) but to us it means messy wings and chaos and devastation!! A bit of sobbing too on my part because there is sooo much to clean up. Anyway, in order to overcome this awful time, we get into bed really quickly (say 6pm), close all windows and doors and switch off all lights. This minimises damage and a moaning-bad-mood- Munchkin the day after.
The last three nights, I’ve been making quickie dinners to get into bed early. When Gnome says,
“…what’s for dinner?”
The last three nights, he has been met with my 5 minute quickie dinner:
“…pasta and anchovies, darling.”
(They still haven’t come yet…but they will…it’s just a matter of time…)
Okay, right now the sky is grey and there is the distant rumble of thunder. It “feels” like it should rain which will stimulate the flight of the termites at about 5 to 6pm. Don’t get me wrong…I am not trying to tempt fate…I know they are coming sometime and I would rather be ready for them.
Okay, pasta and anchovies again tonight. We can’t really keep up with this strategy “Quick!! Run into bed” for too long because I only have two tins of anchovies left… 😉