What to do with leftover rice? Instead of the usual fried rice, I came up with this really easy recipe. It is a bit like a rice pizza made with mozzarella and capers as topping. You can use this concept to create a meat free dish if you are vegetarian.
This one is truly farm fresh from digging in the dirt to the dining room table! This morning, Gnome dug up 5kgs (10lbs) of cassava on our farm (about 3 plants only) and afterwards we both set about to wash and peel our freshly acquired roots.
Washed Cassava.Cleaned and Peeled Cassava.
Next, we grated the cassava. This was done by hand and this part took the longest length of time (about 2 hours).
Grated Cassava.
We then washed the grated cassava once with water to remove some of the starch. The washed water was retained so that the starch (tapioca) could be obtained from it.
Next, we took the remaining grated root and reserved cassava water and laid them all out in the sun to dry. This is to make dehydrated fufu which is an African/ Caribbean preparation of cassava in which the vegetable is boiled and then pounded with a large wooden mortar and pestle to make a dough-like food. Traditionally fufu is eaten with soups.
So, out of our harvest of 10lbs of cassava, we obtained: 2lbs of sun-dried fufu and 2lbs of tapioca flour. Not to mention a snack of Cassava Hash Browns!
Jar of FuFu. The Finished Product!
Gnome said that today was a good lesson on realising the time and energy required in processing food from harvest to finished produce.