Yeah, we are still here. Sorry for not writing for a while but have been busy-tired-busy-tired-hot-hot-hot-busy-tired. Anyway, we had a successful Guy Fawkes night despite a deluge the night before and the morning of the event. It was so wet and puddle-ridden, we thought that we might have to call the whole thing off. Luckily, the sun peaked out late morning and we decided that it was worth it to go on. The afternoon consisted of wheel-barrowing stuff over to the pond area (I want donkeys!!) and Master Fire-starter Gnome started a bonfire and fire (pits) for cooking. Here is Guy, traditionally made by Panda every year:

We had our usual merry friends around the camp-fire (did not sing Kum Ba Yah!) and we had a jolly good time. We had roast chicken, potatoes and onions cooked in coals. Very Nice…definitely the best way to cook chicken!

The sitting area was very comfortable and kept bug-free with the fires; Gnome being organised, had set up the shelter the day before and we had a test run of camp-fire food together in a romantic Munchkin and Gnome usual way…

It did not rain on Guy Fawkes night so the shelter was used as the food serving area. All in all, another good year so looks like we will keep the Bonfire Night Tradition going…