Tag Archives: Goose

A Zen Garden For The Duckies.


The Duckies have set up camp outside Mayor Gnome’s dwelling  and  are demanding MGNews coverage.  So what’s up?

Zen Duckies.
Zen Duckies.

The peaceful duckies have been chanting incessantly:

“Waaa  Waaa Waaaa….Waaa Waaa Waaaa…Waaa Waaa Waaaa…”

Everyday from dawn to dusk, they have bee protesting over their terrible living standards…the coup is getting old and bashed up and fails all  duckie coup guidelines.

Old Duckie Coup.
Old Duckie Coup.

Plus they are upset over the Paradise Piggies getting all the attention.  The spokes-duckie for the group stated:

“It’s not just about the Paradise Piggies!  We duckies want freedom too.  We ask Mayor Gnome to please grant us enough space to meditate, posture and stare into space to our heart’s content.”

But, the plot thickens…Evil Goosie is hatching a dastardly plan to convert the peace-loving group into Anarchists.  He’s spoiling for a riot or anything that involves violent pecking and general disorder.

Let's Riot!!
Let’s Riot!!

Mayor Gnome has been forced to work round the clock to restore order to the farm.

Mayor Gnome.
Mayor Gnome.

This is a public statement from Mayor Gnome addressing the duckie situation:

“Dear Duckies, I have meditated over your complaints and I will make things right!  Right Thought, Right Action.  We shall act speedily and build you a Zen Garden!”

In a later interview, Mayor Gnome confessed that he had to take control of the situation quickly.  He explained,

“I know what that Goosie is up to.  I don’t want this situation getting out of hand…it would be a major catastrophe if the duckies turned to anarchy..”

Yes indeed.  Mayor Gnome is true to his word and is building a Zen Garden for the Duckies.

Mayor Gnome Hard at Work.
Mayor Gnome Hard at Work.

The Zen Garden is a whopping 30 feet by 30 feet. That should be plenty of space for the Zazen Duckies!!

Zen Garden For Duckies.
Zen Garden For Duckies.

Hooray for the Zazen Duckies!!  We have a feeling that they might get some prime-time space on this Blog…the duckies’ endeavours on the contemplation of existence is indeed worth reading about.

Relaxing Day!

Together.Tank.TopHello Everyone!!  We had a nice relaxing day today…our first day off in three weeks from farm work.  Sometimes, when we are on an agenda, we forget that we need a break now and then.  I woke up this morning at 5am, which has been our usual wake up time, and said to Gnome that I did not wish to wake up!  We got up at 6am, rather reluctantly because of the doggy and goosie wake-up calls.

Doggy wake up call: mad panting with spurts of whooping.

Our Mad Doggie.
Our Mad Doggie.

Goosie wake up call: Honk Honk!!  Every  three minutes…like Snooze on an alarm clock…this is goosie snooze with no batteries required.

Goosie on the Farm.
Goosie on the Farm.

(As an aside, Goosie even honks back at truck drivers because he thinks that they are big geese on wheels!!)

Anyway, there was way too much noise so we had to get up.  We both agreed to take the day off because we just felt knackered.  And so we watched a movie marathon of Around The World in 80 Days, a three part mini-series with Pierce Brosnan.  It was 4 and 1/2 hours in total, with brief Munchkin snacks in between,  and we really enjoyed it.  Plus, I got a chance to ogle at Pierce Brosnan for all that time!!

Back to work tomorrow!!

The Nefarious Mr. Goosie.

Munchkin.More.Another.Funny.ShotThat dastardly goosie has been casing me for the last couple of weeks; he knows my routine and most importantly, feeding times.  He has learnt the art of stalking, infiltration and acquisition of stolen food.

Goosie Stalking; hiding in the shadows of two metal barrels, plotting and scheming away:

Goosie Plotting and Scheming.
Goosie Plotting and Scheming.

Goosie Infiltration and Acquisition of Stolen Chicken Feet:

Infiltration and Quick Snatch and Grab.
Infiltration and Quick Snatch and Grab.
Cheeky Bugger: Steals Chicken Feet From the Other Bowl Too!!
Cheeky Bugger: Steals Chicken Feet From the Other Bowl Too!!

The Nefarious Mr. Goosie is stealing chicken feet from the dog bowls…whoever heard of a goose eating chicken feet?!  I was led to believe that they only ate grass.

If you ask me, the removal of the Wart of Evil “didn’t do nothing” as they say here in Belize:

Our Gander With a Wart of Evil.
Our Gander With a Wart of Evil.
Removal of Wart of Evil.
Removal of Wart of Evil.

Mr. Goosie is still displaying evil and wanton traits.  Gnome takes a philosophical stance and says that Goosie is the balance on our farm; he describes the fluffy ducks and friendly guinea pigs as the “Yin” of the “Yin and Yang” of our farm.  He explains that Goosie has to naturally balance the “good” with his “bad.”

The Yin of our farm:

Fluffy Duckies.
Fluffy Duckies.
Friendly Piggies.
Friendly Piggies.

The “Yang” of our Farm:

The Nefarious Mr. Goosie.
The Nefarious Mr. Goosie.

Gnome advice to Munchkin:  Be brave, Munchkin.  Don’t run from goosie! Show NO Fear!!



Far From The Madding Crowd.


Hello Everyone!!  Goosie is recovering very well from his traumatic doggy attack and was released from Farm-ICU today.  He made some quiet honks through-out the day and then sounded a loud HONK in the afternoon and drew me his usual dastardly-look to tell me that he was back in action.  To top it all off, our missing duckie suddenly reappeared, as if by magic, tonight for feeding time.  We had no idea where she had been for the last 24 hours…we tried doing doggy sniffing and patrol all round the farm perimeter today looking for signs of her…and then she just pitched up for food tonight!  No questions asked, we quickly ushered her into the coup.  Wow…we are so pleased that everything has ended well and all our duckies and goosie are safe.

Missing Duckie Came Back!!
Missing Duckie Came Back!!

New things on our farm:

Gnome only uttered one word, “melomel.”

Cashew Fruit.
Cashew Fruit.

The Kun Batz (Ketchi Mayan name for Belize wild passionfruit) has ripened to an edible fruit and tastes like a cross between a lemon and water-melon…very good!

Ripe Kun Batz.
Ripe Kun Batz.

An unusual wild green pod growing, which we had been watching for 9 months, suddenly exploded.  The dried pod looks like a nice ornamental for displaying (soap, maybe?!).

Interesting Pod with Seeds.
Interesting Pod with Seeds.

We are going to germinate the seeds because the vessel looks really pretty; it is boat-shaped and could be lacquered to make it last.

Close-up of Pod.
Close-up of Pod.

We are glad that we can share the highs and lows of our farm life in this Blog!

Wild Goosie Chase Saves Duckies!!

TogetherIn the heat of the lazy afternoon fowl-play was afoot as we heard the sudden beating of wings and then a HONK that sounded like a shreek and then then the crash of mad chasing under the house. I ran out and caught a glimpse of a dog pouncing on my poor goosie as it fought back valiantly with its wings and beak. As soon as the stray dog caught a whiff of me, it scarpered quick smart off the property. Goosie was left in a state with blood on his neck and a severe hurt look on his face; he refused to look at me in the eye and beat a hasty retreat towards the shade of the coconuts.


After all this pandemonium, we suddenly realised that the goosie’s duckie buddies (white duck and two brown girls) were missing.

Duckie Buddies.
Duckie Buddies.

Gnome heard distant quacking coming from the pond where the fowl go to swim during the day. We walked the 150 yards, in silence and fear, to the pond and noted a trail of goose feathers as we went along. When we finally got there, the dog was there drowning one of our poor ducks in the pond. As soon as the dog saw Gnome, it sprang out and bounded away. We stayed for a while in the pond area with the poor, bedraggled half-drowned duckie swimming around dizzily in circles. There was no trace of any other ducks and we scoured the pond area to no avail. Eventually, the half-dead duckie got so distressed that Gnome said that it was best to leave her alone until routine feeding time.
We headed back to the house in a forlorn state wondering about our duckies. I checked up on Goosie and he seemed okay sitting under the coconuts. All of a sudden, Gnome and I heard WakWakWak (White Duckie Male Quack) and goosie perked up and hastily bobbed his head from side to side, frantically looking for the source of the noise. As soon as white duck came into sight, Goosie gave a mild honk of relief, ruffled his feathers and slyly sidled up to his best buddy. Gnome and I felt much encouraged by this re-union.

Goose and White Duck- Best Friends.
Goose and White Duck- Best Friends.

And so we waited the long hour until feeding time. During this time, we tried to put together the events of the afternoon and realised the brave actions of our goosie. Since the goose feathers traced back from the pond to the house, it looked like the goosie took flight back to the house, luring the dog with him. Meanwhile, this gave the rest of the ducks a chance to run off to safety while goosie ran “interference” to save his buddies. Awwwhhh…what a Champ our Goosie is!!

Hero Goosie!
Hero Goosie!

When it was feeding time, we went back to the pond and, to our dismay, found no trace of our distressed damsel. We felt so terrible for leaving our duckie behind earlier and walked back to the house, desperately unhappy, feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders. We fed the rest of our animals and performed the rest of our evening routine. Just as the sun was coming down…it was a deep red tonight like blood spilling across the sky…we heard an insistent QuackQuackQuack outside the duck coup. Our duckie (the dizzy, swimming one) had returned and was trying to get into the coup. Oh, we were so pleased to see that she had recovered and did not look half-drowned anymore!
So far. So good. Only one duckie missing and most probably taken out by the stray dog. Goosie is alive and recuperating. Sleep tight duckies and goosie…don’t let the bad dogs bite!!