Oh I haven’t been writing…it’s the usual dry season time when I just feel too hot and too tired! We are out by 6ish every morning and it is hot by 9am. The geese hide under the shade of the house and run off to the pond when they get the chance; I kind of get the feeling that they think we are just being plain silly for our insistence in working in this heat. Anyway, Gnome has been clearing more of the back area; when we first arrived here, we planted a whole lot of samwood trees for timber.

They are all bunched up and too close to the house (we were once very silly and planted willy-nilly). Gnome is systematically removing one tree at a time, chopping the wood to dry for later charcoal making. This is craboo wood from a wild tree that has grown into a monster…we had to take this one down too; the colour is very pretty:

The charcoal area has been moved…sort of to the side…so that it is not right in front of the house! Of course, Gnome did not re-locate for aesthetic reasons…he simply ran out of room and needed more space.

Another reason for moving the charcoal place is because Gnome wants to build an outside kitchen bunker next to all this. He is going to make it out of used tyres…how romantic..recycled furnishings for Munchkin. Anyway, it will be very helpful to have another food station as my present kitchen is crammed so full of food, I can hardly get into it.
Oh and Gnome is putting these everywhere as sitting stools; they are every-where…under the house, under the rosewood trees and a couple under the bread-fruit. His reasoning behind all this is that the common habitat for munchkins and gnomes are under trees sitting on stumps (when it is too hot). 😉

I will leave you with a nice picture of mushrooms growing on our samwood. This is Ganoderma lucidum; you can grate it and make a tea out of it. It’s one of those immune booster type things that the Chinese use in Traditional Chinese Medicine.