Yes we are still here and we didn’t leave the country. I just took a break from writing because often things can become a routine, a chore and it takes the fun out of it all. So I am back and ready to continue with the Chronicles of Munchkin and Gnome!
We have had weeks of hot and dry weather so we’ve been clearing again…oh, and guess what…the brushmower has done broke again. We had to have one of those “live chats” with the manufacturer and after much to-ing and fro-ing, managed to figure out that it was the voltage regulator. Can you believe it?? We have never managed to do a full round of mowing in the last two years. Dearest Gnome is battling along with the weed-wacker (with a 10 inch circular saw-blade attached to the end). Ha-Ha!! The ingenuity never ends!!

Oh and we have been without running water for the last two weeks. Hauling buckets of water in this hot, dry weather is no fun!! I had to carry 8 five-gallon buckets of water just for the washing machine…phew…it was hard work and I really worked those muscles!!
This is the ubiquitous Pigtail Bucket of Belize. If you own a farm, you never ever loan these out because they are soooo precious and useful!

Good Night Everyone!!