This title sums up up the last three days since we have missed a couple of daily posts. Firstly, we have been on the road again and as usual played our “Fridge on a Pick-em Up” game in which there is a points system allocated to various white goods, and assorted loads spotted on the back of pick-up trucks. The fridge gives the highest score of 1000 points hence the given name. Well, look what we managed to find on our travels!! Gnome says, “This Changes Everything.”

This is white goods on a car…not a pick-em up! With the eye of faith, the driver who is on the left-hand side has his arm up to help secure the load…we know that because we overtook him (but, I was in too much of a tizz to get another drive-by shot) and he had no free hands to give the customary cordial wave.
Gnome commented rather blandly,” We are going to have to change the points system.”
Hmmm…yes, indeed we do!
Onto the next thing: It has been pouring down the last 5 days in Toledo. This sudden, unexpected wet spurt during the dry season is called “The Iguana Rains” because the rain is supposed to soften the earth for the iguanas to lay their eggs. This happens every year without fail…but we have noticed that every year, people forget about this anomaly and scratch their head wondering why it is wet during the dry season. And, as if by magic, we had a lovely iguana appear on our water tank today; I am sure he/she knows what the rains are for!

He was nice enough to pose for a second picture since I saved him from our Shaneeka-Doggie:

And, last but not least: do you remember when Gnome was making a mysterious fermented drink that required my nice lilac sheets?

The mystery beer was unveiled today with a tasting and bottling:

Gnome is happy with the clarity:

The Beer is Rice-Banana-Coffee all rolled into one! Who would have thunk it!! Still tastes very young with a roasted aroma from the coffee.