There’s certainly no rest for Gnome even though it’s the Easter weekend. The sink got completely blocked up yesterday so this morning his first chore was to fix it. He was really nice about it and took the the plumbing apart and sucked up all the garbage (it was really quite horrible) and lo and behold, he found a wooden chopstick inside the sink trap!
He held the chopstick up in the air and looked at me incredulously:
“Darling, how did you get a chopstick down the sink?”
How embarrassing…I really don’t know how it happened and when it happened! At that point, Gnome felt justified in putting his two cents worth,
“You’re lucky we don’t need to call in a plumber to do this for you…because they probably wouldn’t come out for the holiday weekend! And, most probably they wouldn’t bother coming out for a chopstick emergency!”
Yeah I know. I feel really silly and sheepish and I still don’t know how a chopstick got into the U-bend.
Anyway, I must get over this silliness and show you our lovely little goosies. I am teaching then to eat their greens:
“Eat your greens!!”

After they have eaten and pooped, I let them sit on my lap (while they fall asleep and make whistling noises).

Spending quality time with the little ones on Easter Sunday!! They are an absolute joy!!

Happy Easter! The goosies are adorable! Glad your sink is working again 😊. Jim is handy like that too. He spent some time yesterday on our hot water heater, which has also been quite horrible (tho the really horrible stuff was the day before, instead of right on Easter Sunday). No rest for the weary!
Hope you had a Great Easter weekend. I’m glad that Jim didn’t have to work on Sunday and hope you got the hot water heater going again…I am sure it is too chilly in MT to have cold showers!!