Interesting that we are still stuck on the farm but for other reasons this time. About a week ago, half the gate fell over; it’s a really heavy gate made from sturdy hardwood but unfortunately the post has been destroyed by termites. We didn’t see this happening because the termites had cleverly burrowed into the wood and were digesting the wood from the inside…on the outside it looked perfectly normal.
The gates can be moved with brute Gnome strength and so any trip out entails the moving of a tonne of wood back and forth.
So we have had to think seriously about taking trips out of the farm…basically no joy rides or “…let’s go out and get something quickly.”

So the other day, just in good humour, I said to Gnome:
“Darling, we have run out of sugar to put in our tea.”
Gnome replied rather facetiously with,
“Well, would you like me to move a 2 tonne gate and run out to get a cup of sugar for you, my dear!”
The Trials of Munchkin and Gnome Continue….