Okay, so we listened to our Jungle Tune a few more times and then we got up and started moving around. We feel a bit better today. We are running out of charcoal because we are boiling water every night for washing (shower re-location…usual…blah-blah-blah…renovating) so Gnome started making charcoal today. He basically filled a 55 gallon drum with wood and started a fire in it. Every now and then, he checks on the drum of wood…shoogles and shakes the contents…there is the sound of some tin bashing about and then I hear him adding more logs of wood.
In between all this, he has started C++ programming tutorials for fun. And there is another reason: Panda very nicely bought him a Raspberry Pi kit (never knew anything like that existed) which is a little computer that integrates electronics with computer programs (which can be coded in C++ hence the sudden resurgence of computer programming excitement). These afternoons, we are working through Raspberry Pi tutorials together; I wire the circuit and he programs. It is actually nice and romantic in a Munchkin and Gnome sort of way.
From a purely practical point of view, this gadget actually opens doors to all-new Gnome inventions-(TM) -guaranteed to make life easier on the farm-kinda like Wallace and Gromit. The first experiment is a RFID cat flap for our cat and then we will branch out and RFID tag our female geese to help get them into designated feeding areas. Watch this space…Munchkin and Gnome: The Next Generation!!
Kitty is going to get a special electronic cat flap!

There is much to do, clean up, tidy up and maintain that I just need to walk out of the door and pick the nearest thing. I began by cleaning up the vegetable beds and started up some more vegetable seedlings. We have to be careful about what we plant now because we will have to look after these plants over dry season. We have managed to plant out all our fruit trees and spread cardboard mulch around them…the cardboard is great because it will eventually break down and add to the soil and it stops weeds from growing up around the trees. Also, thanks Panda for bringing us cardboard every week (amongst other useful things including sawdust and seaweed).