We have a new little duckie to look after and this one has been raised on Star Trek: The Original series (as-well as the usual food, water, greens and Munchkin & Gnome love). This is funny: Duckie whistles to the Star Trek tune and when we switch off the sound, she sends out distress calls! I am experimenting to see if certain TV programs affect the intellect and temperament of ducklings. After telling Gnome that we might have an extremely bright Star Trek duckie, Gnome said,
“Munchkin…maybe you should get out a bit more.”
He has mentioned this already when I was going on about rehabilitating a bullied goose! This is just our silly banter.
Anyway, here are some fun pictures:
This was Day 1; she was a bit spaddled but otherwise able to stand. This is a picture of her really trying to stand upright with lots of concentration. Good Duckie!

This is Cape Duckie; it is getting a bit colder so we gave her a little cape to run around in. Also, Gnome is crocheting bits and bobs right now.

Yoga Duckie:

Duckie has been with us for 7 days now and is ready to go out; actually we are ready…they start pooping constantly and the fish tank (which is the temporary home) has to be wiped and cleaned every few hours. Time to go to the Guinea Pig creche for more schooling…