Hello!! I am posting up some extra pictures that I have taken that never made it into my blogs. Oh by the way, it’s been really wet with torrential rains down here. We are sliding about in mud and can’t get anything done…what’s new, right? Here’s to sunnier, drier days in the future…
I don’t think I ever posted up pictures of The Spice Farm in Toledo. Anyway, here you are if you want a nosey:

Every now and then, we go to visit the owners; the owner is also a medical doctor (so, have a few things in common…doctoring and farms…but, his farm is a sooooo much bigger). The last time we visited, we ate fresh lotus seeds (after a lovely chicken biryani). If you get the seeds green, they are very sweet.

Oh, and this is a new project on their farm…a special arched walk-way for weddings and such…

So, more visiting pictures…these ones are of The Earthship, a building made from recycled glass bottles. Our friends, Alisa and Richard have put a lot of time and passion into this one…

Okay, hope you are all having a lovely Sunday!!
All of these pictures are so cool! Are those whole bottles embedded in concrete? Beautiful!