I know…Ha-Ha…I am scraping the bottom of the barrel with Sherlock Gnomes! I have decided…even if I am the only person who gets a silly giggle out of all this silliness…at least that is something! It is better to laugh than to cry!
Okay, so we are harvesting banana bunches like there is no tomorrow. Gnome has been hanging them up on the rafters of the veranda. Lotsa Bananas!! You get the picture…

Every morning, we woke up to decimated banana bunches…they have been nibbled at from all sides. Something was eating our bananas…in a bad way…a little bit here and there. It was soooo annoying! If something is going to pilfer a banana, they might as well take the entire banana and be done with it! They ended up spoiling every banana without eating the entire thing. Anyway, we thought: It must be rats!!

Based on this premise that the bites looked like rat-sized bites, Gnome set about putting rat traps up on the rafters. Since we only had a limited number of traps, Gnome had to guess the route of the rat via the rafters. Every-night, he tried trapping a different route and every morning, we woke up to more lost bananas. The rat was out-witting Munchkin and Gnome!! Ha-Ha!!
After a few days of losing copious amounts of bananas, we decided that we just had to get the culprit! We were losing our precious food!! So, one night we switched off all the lights and pretended we had gone to bed. We waited in the dark to see what would happen and to see the actual route of the rat. Can you guess what we saw??
It was a FRUIT BAT!! No wonder the rat traps didn’t work. In the dark, it swooped back and forth from the bananas taking little bite size chunks.
So we finally solved the Mystery of the Decimated Bananas. Since it was a bat, we simply stopped hanging the banana bunches from the rafters and laid them down on the table with a cloth over them. That did the trick!!
Now, what happens if we have a rat and a fruit bat at the same time??!! Also, what is our farm cat doing at night…the lazy good-for-nothing!!