This post is dedicated to Giselle (you know who you are). It is a Thank-you for getting me back on track to writing blog posts. I stopped writing in May because it just didn’t seem fun any-more; writing posts became part of a tick list and it ended up feeling like yet another chore. I forgot the reason why and neglected my blog for six months. At times, I would ask Gnome whether I should resume and he always said that it was up to me. I couldn’t bring myself to write anything because I didn’t know my reason for writing and I felt that there was nothing to write about(!). These things I knew: it certainly wasn’t for fame and glory. What for?
Anyway, along came Giselle. And, every time we spoke she told me that my blog posts were Hilarious, Funny and Humorous!
Yes, Yes, Yes to all three descriptions…that was what I was always trying to do!!
Just to write to get a laugh, a chuckle or even a guffaw!!

In these times of COVID, Fear and Anxiety, we certainly need to find something to make us smile and remember to be Seriously Funny sometimes.