A couple of weeks ago, Gnome was doing “Secret Gnome Stuff.” It was some sort of mound of cardboard, rotten grass and chocolate trash. He also declared that the Munchkin was not permitted to sniff around this top-secret Gnome business.

This week, it was unveiled!! Gnome had timed it perfectly to coincide with my Birthday week.

Da Gnome does it again…he has managed to grow a mound of paddy straw mushrooms. What a wonderful gift for a Munchkin…I feel so privileged!!

Also, Gnome is working on lacquering a gourd for me, which I will use as a water container. In the usual typical Gnome-obsessive fashion, he says that he is going to lacquer the gourd a total of fifty times to give it a perfect, finished appearance (plus he wants it to last forever!).

Also, he has decided to make a whole range of “Gnome Ware” dinner ware, made out of gourds as ongoing gifts for me. Wow…what a blessed gesture! After the water gourd, he will start on the miso bowls.
Now, that’s what I call Love!!