It has been pouring down everyday since Sunday and we have been stuck indoors. Thank goodness, we got our planting done on Saturday…for the first time we seem to be synchronising with the weather. We are starting to plant new fruit trees in rows…I know…how about that for a novel, organised orchard! In the past we have planted our fruit trees in a haphazard sort of way: “how about there…in that space!” and now that the trees have grown, we are finding that they are in the wrong place, too close to the house, too close together, blocking the path, blocking the driveway, etc, etc. You name the planting mistake…we have done it!!
So many trees everywhere!!

Anyway, we live and learn! Well, the last few days have been all day rains so there has been no hope of continuing with projects right now.
Nevertheless, we can’t complain about the continuous food on the farm. It is canistel time again:

More Peach Palms:

Peanut Butter Fruit; these are just starting:

Okay, I will write again soon!