This is our quiet period of the year; Christmas and New Year…it’s the time in-between time when we try to stop our crazy, goal-orientated farm projects and reflect upon the year. Today we will try to “potter” around and look for likely goosie laying spots to put nests. They are usually over-grown areas with shade or bang right in front of the house whenever the mood takes them.

The geese have been especially feisty, noisy and aggressive. Bossie goosie has been chasing me around so I have been thwarting his attempts by shaking buckets in front of him…there is now a special broom in front of the house…designated “Goosie Broom” just in case things get a bit hairy and out of hand. So far, we are getting through goosie wars…

Okay, goosies! Time to lay eggs! This year we have decided to eat the first lot of eggs because they are usually not viable. Gnome says that he can’t wait to have a fried goosie egg with toast…mmmm…what a treat!

Okay, we will have a quiet day today pondering the meaning of our lives in a background of goosie shrieking and haranguing! It’s actually cold write now…both wearing our Christmas hats…
