This morning, due to heavy rains, the maternity wing of the Paradise Pastures guinea-pig gated community was not inspected. Early afternoon, the maternity ward was found wet and sodden due to a leakage from a faulty water bottle.
All bedding was wet and most importantly, one baby was lying in the wet grass suffering from hypothermia. The piggie was found by Dr. Munchkin (DRCOG), who had come to the facility to conduct a ward round.

Baby Rogelio was rushed to SCPU (Special Care Piggie Unit) for intensive care.

Despite all due care and attention, the baby was not able to be resuscitated and died at 3pm this afternoon. Mother Matilda must now be brave and strong to give her best to her remaining two babes.

When asked to comment, Mayor Gnome declined. Apparently, he was out of office and is currently on the road starting his re-election campaign.

This sad event brings ominous dark tones to the beginnings of the Mayor Election Campaign.

What does Grandma Stumpy have to say about all this?
Stumpy: We’ll get through this…we always have. Since I was knee-high to a grass-hopper Mayor Gnome has always pulled us through. He won’t let us down this time…
We hope for her sake and the community of Paradise Pastures, that she is right.

The Paradise Piggies must soldier on despite the unbearable loss…what does the future hold for Paradise Pastures?