It’s not all paradise for the piggies at Paradise Pastures presently. Mayor Gnome has found himself in the piggie line-of-fire as a rogue guinea-pig mother gave birth to babies outside of the maternity suite in the late hours of Monday night. In his defence, Gnome says that this mother has had a poor attendance record and had failed to book into the ante-natal clinic. As a result of this, two shivering little piggies were found wandering the streets of Paradise Pastures this morning.

In attempt to quell trouble and potential piggie up-rising, Mayor Gnome improvised immediately by putting the two homeless babies in a quickly constructed Special Care Piggie Unit (SCPU). The Douglas Suite:

Upon release from SCPU, the babies were re-united with their mother in the The Susan B Anthony Maternity Wing:

Mayor Gnome acted quickly. But was it quick enough? There is trouble brewing and this could be the start of something bigger. Mayor Gnome better watch out…there’s a condo shortage and we have an exclusive picture right here:

Not enough condos to house the piggies!! What does Mayor Gnome have to say about this? Destitution in Paradise Pastures…what next??

Mayor Gnome: We need a solution…or YOU ARE OUT!!