Answer: None. Zazen Duckies carry their own light.
Zazen Duckies.
Yes, the Zazen Duckies are meditating under the dappled shade of the kenip tree. They have even made a nesting spot out of old century plants…completely ignoring the modern luxury nests built to international ISO quality standards. The Duckies are doing are it “the organic way.”
Oh, what’s that funny noise….
“Oi!! WEEEE WEEEEE!!! What about us??! Has Mayor Gnome forgotten about us?!!”
Oi What about Us?
Mayor Gnome’s reply:
“Personally I don’t think any of you have a clue about spiritual intent but I am willing to give you a chance. Mayor Gnome always gives chances…get ready for the big move to the Zen Garden!”
Mayor Gnome Shows Grace.
“…oh, and by the way, I contacted George Lucas…you can’t change your name to the Jedi Piggies.”
The Piggies:
“Can we change to the Ewok Piggies instead, then?”
Our Goosie has finally given us permission to place an ad for him in this Lonely Heart’s post. His long term partner died three years ago of death-by-doggie and he now thinks that it is time to seek a new partner.
Let’s Riot!!
Goosie is looking for a longterm female goose for fun, chaos and good times. Also considering starting a family.
He has kindly given us his profile:
Name: Martin AKA Evil Goosie
Star Sign: Aries
Likes: Likes to peck small animals and children. Likes to play “pinch the dog leg.”
Dislikes: People and dogs…actually has a disdain for all living things especially if cute and fluffy.
Food: Likes all yellow things including bananas, corn and velveta cheese. Claims he is vegetarian but steals and eats chicken feet.
Political Allignment: Strong Anarchist tendencies. Likes chaos,destruction and mayhem.
Religion: Discordianism.
Favourite quote:“Kill, Crush, Destroy.”
Favourite Film: Fight Club
Relevant Medical History: Wart of Evil removed. Otherwise Fertile.
All applicants must be Geese. Please send two passport photos with application.
On Monday evening we had an Elixir Tasting with Dandelion Chocolate, a company from California. Greg D’Alesandre heads the group every year at Cotton Tree Lodge. This year’s tasting was much the same with general fun, laughs and disruption (of course!) from Greg. We attempted a “controlled brawl” under medical supervision (Ha-Ha!). 😉
Here are some pictures (sorry the “flash” on my phone is quite non-existent).
Elixir Tasting With Dandelion Group.
This is Greg intensely scrutinising an Elixir:
Greg From Dandelion.
The Elixir Tasting was a success. Our gauge was the general noise level and Drunken “I Love You, Guys!!”
The Cacao Fruit Elixir was of great interest to everyone since the group are here specifically on a chocolate tour. Greg kept on murmuring about a Fireball Whisky and Ginger Ale all through the tasting. Apparently he thinks that the Lemongrass Elixir goes very well with ginger ale. And the Fireball…hmmm…not sure if that was just an obscure comment about the cacao liqueur?!
We are making our own banana flour and coconut flour on the farm. Gnome had charged me with the responsibility of making something “yummy” with these ingredients. He actually scolded me and said,
“I know it is actually easier to use wheat flour because you know what to do with it. But you need to get used to using all these other flours that we make on the farm.”
I replied with a sheepish smile,
“I suppose you’re right.”
And so I sequestered myself into the kitchen and got busy with the Gnome challenge. I came up with Banana and Coconut Flour Patties:
Banana and Coconut Flour Patties.
This recipe is gluten free as I used eggs and cornflour as the binding agents. These spicy patties contain tumeric (yellow ginger), chilli powder and white pepper which add a nice “kick” to the taste experience. I think they turned out rather nicely! This isn’t the end of the challenge though…I still need to come up with more recipes!!
The Zen Garden is ready for the Zazen duckies and they are just in time for a Full Moon Meditation.
Happy Duckies!
What perfect timing! The duckies wish to thank Mayor Gnome for his superb workmanship and stamina.
Mayor Gnome.
The Duckie Monastery is defined by specially chosen rocks and every single rock in the centrally placed pond was hand-picked and laid down by Mayor Gnome himself. Within the grounds century plants have been placed at each corner and there is a beautiful south-facing kenip tree which will provide dappled shade for meditation in the afternoon.
Zen Garden For Duckies.
The duckies are very pleased and are ready for their 12 hour marathon meditation:
“We are ready to contemplate the meaning of life.”
If you follow our posts, you may have realised by now that we enjoy the creativity and inventiveness of harvesting and processing our own food. Peach Palm Miso was borne out of a fusion of an Asian preservation technique with a farm grown ingredient. I would like to give a special Thank-you to Julian Obererlacher of Itz’ana, Placencia for his resourcefulness in using our Peach Palm Miso as an ingredient in his menu.
Another Thanks to Enrico Cordenons for providing us with the Itz’ana Menu as follows:
Sweet/spicy soup of Belizean vegetables with masa
King Estate Pinot Gris 2013 (USA – Oregon)
Poblano pepper stuffed with arugula, lentils, Caves Branch ricotta and parmesan
Zolo Malbec 2014 (Argentina – Agrelo Valley)
Snook, Casa Mascia Peach palm miso glaze, coco yam puree, grilled zucchini Itz’ana garden chinese greens
Thanks to everybody that has offered to purchase and send us a BNF. We appreciate your thoughts. However, I think that this means that I need to further clarify my request…
The great BNF is the Bible of British trained doctors and when you are in the system, you have a copy in every bag, one in the glove box, several older editions lying around at home and even one in the toilet. And they are all free (the way socialised medicine is “free!”). Each new edition of the BNF comes out every 6 months and has a lifetime, as it travels through the social system, starting with a ward or a doctor and passing down the hierarchy of various health professions. My sister (an audiologist) used to come to visit me just to rifle through my book cases for old copies of the BNF.
So as you can see, you are either the type of person who does not have a BNF in their life (This is not who we are looking for) or you are surrounded by them because of your involvement with the system (this is who we are looking for). There is no need for somebody to purchase a copy for us…this is an exercise in prolonged recycling… We are asking for the people who are “in the system” and have lots of copies everywhere to send us one. And it does not have to be the latest edition…just better than 5 years old, which is what we have…though you will be acting cheeky sending us one that is four years old!! ;P
If you have stopped to read this post, the chances are that you know what BNF stands for which means that you might be a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or some sort of health-care practitioner. I have an old dog-eared 2011 edition of The British National Formulary which is the definitive British publication providing information on the use and prescription of medicines. For a medical doctor living in the middle-of-nowhere in Belize, this book is an essential. If you are able to send me a later edition please email me at Your help would be very much appreciated!
The word Kipple was first coined by Philip K Dick in “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.” This is the definition:
It refers to the sinister type of rubbish which simply builds up without any human intervention. Eventually, one day, the entire world will have moved to a state of kipplization.
Well, we have a Kipple Box which contains a whole load of crap that we refuse to throw away. We dearly cling onto the stuff as if our very lives depended upon them! Hey, at least it’s just a box…I am sure everyone has kipple lurking in the dark recesses somewhere… perhaps in the drawer, the cupboard, the bedroom or even the entire house! It is an insidious monster that invades and pervades every nook and cranny!
The Kipple Box.
Every now and then I sort through the box and have a good laugh at the useless rubbish that we are holding onto. Here are a few pictures:
Casino dice from the old days when we played Craps all night:
Craps Casino Dice.
Chinese ear buds with the scoopy bit..
Chinese Ear Picks.
I asked Gnome over and over again,
“What are these?”
He wouldn’t explain himself, rolled his eyes and muttered,
“It’s just kipple.”
What Are These?
Hair stuff…bought them about 8 years ago and never used them!
Hair Accessories.
This has never been used before either:
Old Style Razor.
Trapping Wires?!
Trapping Wires.
Water sensor for the broken water pump:
Water Sensor.
Hmmm…someday they might come in useful….
There was a whole lot of other stuff including old batteries, spectacles, a strop and a badger-hair shaving brush, dental floss, plastic razors, etc, etc.
Well you know what I did. I put them all back into the box and said to Gnome:
“Well you never know…don’t want to throw anything away just in case.”