I can’t believe it has been ten days since I last wrote. The days have flown by and we have taken advantage of the very dry spell…not a single drop of rain since last night’s single (literally!) drop of rain. Gnome had to stop mowing for a few days because of carpal tunnel but he seems okay now with it. He has been chopping trees down to make charcoal; one tree fills up a 55 gallon drum about 2 to 3 times over, stuffed very full. The charcoal is being stored for colder days.

I had a slight mishap with my right middle finger when a concrete block accidentally banged down on the tip. Ahhhhh….it was so painful (I am not good with pain and the worse patient ever). I didn’t even bother Gnome (because he was too busy) and sorted it out myself. I treated the initial inflammation and then came back out of the house with a huge bandage wrapped around my finger and wrist and kept on going. What a brave Munchkin!! I did not realise how important the tip of a middle finger was until I had difficulty opening bucket lids, washing dishes properly with a scrubber, even lighting the stove and so many other activities of daily living. Anyway, it’s all fine now and the injury has healed.
Little Goosie is about 5 weeks old and her weight is going up everyday; she is more than 2 lbs (1kg) in weight. I estimate that her weight will be 5lbs once she gets to 12 weeks. That is not too much considering that if you intend to feed up a green goose (equivalent of broiler) your aim is to get them up to 10lbs in 12 weeks.
This is an old picture: Goosie is probably four times bigger now:

No more little goosies yet and the sneaky goosies have switched all their old nesting spots so we can’t find any-more eggs right now.

We have two very broody females, sitting in nests (yes they finally figured out that the big square structures with soft natural furnishings were nests).

However, we don’t trust their haphazard setting abilities so they are sitting on a bunch of rocks. We have tried de-brooding them a number of times by sticking them in the duckie coop…somehow they manage to get back out (Houdini Goosies) and plonk themselves back on their nest of rocks.
Anyway the farm is looking great with the new hair-cut. Gnome will be getting onto the coconut area soon. We will keep on going and have a natural break with the Iguana rains…
Dear Ms Iguana, I hope the rains come soon so that you can lay your eggs but please don’t lay them on our farm because we don’t have enough succulent greens to feed your little blighters!!