Oh dear, I think everyone has probably got a complaint or two about this horrible weather! Well, we’ve lost 4 animals. Two because of the cold, dampness and rain and two from a snake and all in one day. Well, the two casualties in the mini emergency unit didn’t make it: old grey goosie in Wheel-Barrow 1 died of pneumonia and The Overlord (aka male turkey) in Wheel-Barrow 2 also passed away. In the same morning, we found a dead duck in the coop; Gnome noticed some blood on its leg but did not think anything of it. Later in the day, we counted the number of ducks that we had in the coop…1-2-3-4-5…hey, wait a minute, there was another one missing. Gnome said suspiciously:
“There’s a predator about!!”
He then scanned his eyes around the coop and found a bloated boa hiding behind the guinea pig cages digesting something the size of a duck:
“There it is!!”
One of our rules on our farm: do no harm to any animal unless it takes the life of one of ours. So, we had to “take care” of this one with Gnome’s pellet gun.
The second rule is to eat what we kill: this one is going to be a curry…

Retrospectively, it looks like the the first dead duckie was probably killed by the snake and she was the next meal.
Rest in Peace our dear animals!! And we hope that everyone out there is having a better time!! Try to stay dry!!
bbq boa is also good
Thanks for the tip! Next time it will be BBQ…
I’m so sorry for your lost animals 🙁 !!! Let us know how that boa curry turns out. I wish I could share a little of our dry dry weather with you, in exchange for just a little of your rain. It’s an absolute tinder box here, that ignores at the slightest provocation. Here’s hoping there rest of your critters make it through!
Ignores. Lol. IgNITES is definitely what that was supposed to say. 🙄