Happy Independence Day Everyone!! The celebrations started last night about 5pm in Punta Gorda…will run through the whole day today and I am not sure when it will finish (might run onto the weekend if it’s at all possible). Friday morning should be fun since it is still a normal working day! Well, no rest for Munchkin and Gnome today…we are still charging ahead on the farm.
Only one problem. Gnome says,
“Mechanical failure!”
Oh!! No!! Not again!! This time it’s the weed-wacker. it hasn’t been running that well lately and Gnome thought it was the air filter so off we went to the Farm-store yesterday to buy the filter. It turned out to be a tiny piece of foam with two holes punched in it and it cost $4. I guffawed (remember I am Chinese) at the till attendant and said to the boy,
“…it’s just a piece of foam…”
He was actually very sympathetic and he said,
“I know! I wouldn’t buy that for $4 either!”
Good, I am glad that we were all in agreement but I still had to buy it anyway.
Despite the change in air filter, the weed-wacker is still acting up so Gnome is back to this:

We may take day off after all and join in with the celebrations! We have Panda coming round later for Birthday waffles so we will have a wee bit of a “knees-up.”