Today I did not know what to write about so Gnome suggested that I walk around our farm and take pictures of new yummies to harvest.

When these bananas are ready for harvest, we will probably do many different things with them since it is a huge bunch. Deep-fried thinly sliced green bananas are a must! I will also sun-dry some of the bananas, grind them up and make flour out of it. We will, of course, enjoy some of the bananas ripe.

Sapodilla fruit have a soft flesh similar to a peach but not as smooth in texture. There is a strong cinnammon-like flavour and they are very sweet. Gnome has called first dibs to make sapodilla wine and we will probably eat the rest as fruit. When they are sun-dried, they make a very good substitute for dates. Incidentally, sapodilla trees were once cultivated in Belize for its sap which was used for the original chewing gum (or chicle). Our trees are still too young to be tapped but watch this space in a few years for a post on home-made chewing gum!

I am waiting for the green peppercorns to turn red (have been waiting 2 months and still no colour change). Once they change colour then they can be harvested and then processed into white pepper. I am getting impatient so I am actually starting to pick some green peppers to add to my meals. They are really hot at this stage. The green peppercorns can be harvested at this time and dried into black peppercorns.
I am so pleased with the produce on our farm; it changes from week to week and I love thinking of all the exciting yummy things I can do with all this food.