Oh, it’s a new public holiday in Belize today! Happy George Price Holiday to y’all!! George Price was a very well known Belizean Statesman who served as First Minister and Premier under British rule and served as the first Prime Minister after Belize was made independent in 1981. Yes, so we are having another holiday again…didn’t we just have a great big holiday about two weeks ago? So, we went into town yesterday for the first time after the new year.

Every single person we spoke to said:
‘….oh! It’s another holiday tomorrow. George Price Public Holiday.’
Followed quickly by:
‘…didn’t we just have a holiday?’
So, we’ve been told that they wanted to do away with Christopher Columbus Holiday which is the 12th of October. The next question on everyone’s mind was:
‘…so, we don’t get the October holiday any-more??!!’