This one is an update on our gosling (goosie) situation. Yes, I know that every-one has been waiting with bated breath for the next thrilling instalment (Ha-Ha!!). Our L’il Spaddled Goosie with the spaddled legs didn’t make it…it may have had other problems and it just keeled over one day and wouldn’t get up again. Rest in Peace my l’il sweet one in Goosie Heaven!!

We now have five goosies on the block and they are doing great. They are at the ugly stage at the moment (but I still think they are really adorable). Since they were getting bigger, there were over-crowding problems in piggie metropolis, so they are finally out with the duckies in the Zen coop.
The Piggies: “Phew…we can hear ourselves think again!! Yay!!”
I think the piggies are relieved now that there is some peace and quiet in their living quarters. The goosies were getting a bit too chatty and noisy…

The goosies are having a lovely time. Here are some pictures…
I am getting them used to eating all sorts of things so that they can forage once they get out into the “real world” of the farm. Right now, I am throwing succulent mombassa grass, mango peels and food scraps at them. They also get protein rations in the form of puppy food.
This is an old picture when they were all wee…

Now look at them….

They are starting to feather:

Goosies by the pond:

Once they are fully feathered we will let them out. Meanwhile we will keep them safe inside the coop.