It’s too funny!! Panda is now the official celebrity of our blog!! After the weekend wobbly post, our stats are booming. I guess Munchkin and Gnome have to take a back seat…so what fun and exciting offerings do we have….hmmmm….this post is on needlework. I can hear you all groan and say, “these guys…they are two boring fogies in the bush!”
Well I am dying to tell you that Gnome is crocheting a beautiful blanket:

It’s a basket weave pattern and the picture does not do it justice. It is 8 foot wide so Gnome diligently does one row a day which takes one hour. He is aiming for an 8 foot length blanket so we have calculated that at this rate, he will finish it by dry season (April/May) next year! We definitely won’t be using it at that time so we will have to store it away for next winter. Best things come to those who wait.
So, Gnome is teaching me to crochet. I am a knitter and have had disastrous lessons from Gnome…this was about 15 years ago and I remember getting terribly upset and I telling Gnome he was an awful teacher,

This time round, the lessons have been great and I have picked up crochet really quickly. I told Gnome that he wasn’t such a bad teacher after all, and wondered in amazement at what had changed after all these years. This is what he said:
“Dearest…I have not changed in the slightest. You have changed. Before you were rebellious and contumacious. Now you actually listen!”
Oh. He’s such a smart-arse and the worse thing is, he’s right.
Anyway…next exciting project for two boring fogies in the bush is crocheting pineapple doilies!! They will look great at our camp ground by the pond…Ha-Ha!! Imagine us sipping cups of tea and eating cucumber sandwiches! Doilies are a must!!

Now we have to find some fine mercerised cotton thread in Belize. Hmmm…we may have to take up spinning….
Doilies are a must exactly !!! Then the napkins next time around and oh how about a tea cosy 😁
Oh yes, they are all on the “must have” list!!