This is a technique I have developed which allows you to have a continuous soup over a long period of time. There is a daily replenishment of ingredients and flavourings to vary the taste so that you can keep on enjoying the soup for longer. Also, this continuous method frees up your time so that you always have a healthy “ready-made” meal at home. This is a better alternative to ordering “take-out” or micro-waving processed meals.

I would recommend this to my patients if I felt that they needed a “Prescription of Soup.” This can be used for de-toxification especially in getting over an acute illness or after an intense period of rich foods and alcohol. The ingredients in the soup can provide all the daily requirements for protein and nutrients so that it can be a complete meal in itself. Furthermore, if there is no addition of carbohydrates into the soup, it can help in weight loss and the control of Diabetes Mellitus.

If you want to read more on Munchkin’s Soup Technique, click on the link.