Hey everyone!! We don’t have a guinea pig creche any-more for our young’uns so Munchkin and Gnome are running a temporary creche in the house (as-well as doing a multitude of things including cleaning up the farm, cooking up possum, making stuff to sell and of course, doctoring). Since we have to baby-sit them we have spent a lot more time with new goosie and duckie. Look at goosie…she likes to sit at the table with us; cuteness goes a long way!!

Duckie likes to sit in front of my computer monitor and keep me company. Here is duckie in our temporary crèche facilities watching a film with me:

There is a huge size difference between the two of them; Goosie-zilla is a monster next to the little one…we have to watch her carefully so that she does not trample over the little one…she’s a bit of a cute clutz.

Sometimes we have to hid the duckie in a box so that she can stay safe:

It’s all fun (mostly) but the tremendous amount of poop does get in the way of the fun. They will have to go outside soon and meet the rest of the gang. There are no more new ones since the possums have stolen all our eggs…hopefully with possum control, we can get a few more…