I am writing this post to remind myself (again) that June is mosquito time. Well at least that is when it starts…but when does it finish? Does it finish? Anyway, all I know right now is that is pretty horrible and we are forever being chased by swarms of mosquitoes. Arrrghhh…moan of the day done!
Anyway, on the upside, we have had a few days straight of good weather (of the non-rain type) so we have been out on the farm doing our stuff. So, what stuff have we done?
We have starting laying down the cardboard between our peanuts to soak up all the excess water from the rain (plus it stops the weeds coming up so it is a double bonus).
Ooooh…..another picture for Joyce:

Don’t they look healthy and green….and the okra are coming up nicely in between the first two rows of peanut.
It is jackfruit time again. All of these fruits are beautiful and are about 50lbs in weight each. Thank-you, thank-you…what a lovely, generous tree. Our sun-drying (what sun??) of the seeds did not work and they turned into a funny, fuzzy orangey moldy monster so we stopped doing that. We have now decided to make miso made from jackfruit seed.

Anything else. Yes, I washed and waxed the truck. Most people would be asking me why I am bothering to put this piece of insignificant detail down. Well, it is because we are known as the people who drive the dirty white truck (just a statement of fact and here in Toledo, everyone is recognised by the vehicle that they drive). Twice a year, I wash and wax the car and the rest of the time we don’t wash it. And you are probably scratching your head and wondering if this is an environmental issue (save water??) or something. Well actually it is to maintain and preserve the metal body work of the car. This of course is a quirky Gnome observation…he says that if your car is caked in mud for most of the year (with generous wax coating), it actually preserves the metal body and it is protected from rusting. Mind you, I haven’t seen any copy-cats so our innovative idea isn’t catching on…Ha-Ha!!
What do you think? This is a 12 year old truck now…looking good twice a year!!

Random piece of information: you can now buy Italian biscuits (cookies) in Punta Gorda. You know, once a long time ago, you couldn’t get anything down here. Sign of the times:

We have been doing more clearing…there was a very dangerous looking tree too close to our veranda. Gnome said:
“…we need to get rid of that. It is a horrible accident waiting to happen…”

Okay so that lanky, long looking tree has been taken down so one less thing to worry about.
Oh look…dandelions do grow in Belize…

Have a great evening and stay away from those pesky mosquitoes. I hear that there is a great insect repellent made from lemongrass… 😉