More stuff and photographs for a Sunday perusal if you are bored and/or doing your FB/ Blog Sunday thing!! Yes we have been busy little bees and Gnome has been storing up his charcoal for leaner days. He is doing one barrel a week so it is piling up. Well good for him, I am pleased with his continued hard work…sometimes he needs a bit of encouragement because he never thinks he does enough. He does!! I need to remind him that he is doing great…when there is no boss, we have to nudge each other along and remind each other that it is all okay and everything is okay!

Oh what else is happening…oh yes, the price of butane has gone up by 20%!! Nobody else seems to have noticed but we have because we hate spending money on consumables. We are cooking with charcoal everyday…steamboat, soups and even grilling with the hibachi (not sure how to spell that but hopefully you know what I am talking about). This is a picture of Gnome grilling steaks and making suriname cherry wine…all on charcoal. Yes, we are living the farm dream!!

I’ll leave you with some more farm pictures because that is what it is all about (well, for us it is).
The wax apples are starting and growing in abundance…ooooh, look at these…

They will turn into these:

We do grow some flowers…a little…not much. Here is one; frangipani/plumeria.

Huckleberries grow like weeds here….definitely an easy food to grow; totally recommend this one…you hardly need to do anything!!

Okay have a Funday Sunday!! 🙂