Meet the New-Comers to Casa Mascia Manor: The Overlord and The Duchess of Toledo.

The Overlord is of equivalent rank to The Gnome and acts as Guardian of the farm and general bossie of all fowl. His task at night is to sleep on a perch right in front of the house to guard Munchkin and Gnome. Morning duties include the wake up call at dawn with “Gobbble–Gobbble–Gobbble–Gobbble….” and to keep the duckies and goosies in line as they troop out of the coup in the morning. The rest of the day, he parades around the farm, puffing up his stomach every few seconds (with a loud POOF) to remind everybody of his rank and position on the farm.

The Duchess of Toledo is dainty and nimble on her feet. She likes nibbling on delicate greens and tiny insects. If we gave her egg and cress sandwiches on doilies, I am sure she would not be adverse to the fine pleasures which are be-fitting to her fine breeding. The only requirements of this lady is to be by the Overlord’s side for public appearances.