Internet Crap…short post today!!
We have started getting up early (4am) in a neurotic (Belize still can’t take the neurosis out of two doctors, even after 10 years) bid to get everything done before it gets unbearably hot and humid at midday. Unfortunately, there was no committee meeting so the other animals (especially the night shift ones) haven’t quite got the hang of the new schedule. This morning, we found a snake fast asleep next to the freezer. I walked right passed it because I was half asleep and then I had to do a “double-take” and realise that there was a snake next to me whilst I was filling the teapot. I was quite unfazed by the snake and merely said “Snake!” to Gnome. He quickly got two sticks and used them like chop-sticks and got him out!! We then had a nice cup of tea (Ahhh…hits the spot!!) and started the day!