Our Goosie has finally given us permission to place an ad for him in this Lonely Heart’s post. His long term partner died three years ago of death-by-doggie and he now thinks that it is time to seek a new partner.

Goosie is looking for a longterm female goose for fun, chaos and good times. Also considering starting a family.
He has kindly given us his profile:
Name: Martin AKA Evil Goosie
Star Sign: Aries
Likes: Likes to peck small animals and children. Likes to play “pinch the dog leg.”
Dislikes: People and dogs…actually has a disdain for all living things especially if cute and fluffy.
Food: Likes all yellow things including bananas, corn and velveta cheese. Claims he is vegetarian but steals and eats chicken feet.
Political Allignment: Strong Anarchist tendencies. Likes chaos,destruction and mayhem.
Religion: Discordianism.
Favourite quote: “Kill, Crush, Destroy.”
Favourite Film: Fight Club
Relevant Medical History: Wart of Evil removed. Otherwise Fertile.
All applicants must be Geese. Please send two passport photos with application.