Officially we are now crepuscular; up at 5am, doing our stuff until it gets too hot to move!! I just wanted to share with you a funny story that happened about two weeks ago. This was when we had no idea what to do with our goose eggs; the incubator was unreliable, all the female geese were insisting on nesting in the middle of the bush, there was a lot of pushing and shoving resulting in broken eggs and there were no reliable broody poultry. Our first solution was to get Muscovy ducks as they are known to be become broody at the drop of a hat. These silly little ducks have proven to be duds. As Gnome says,
“They’re treating this place like a hotel….”

These two possess absolutely no broody tendencies. They just twitter, stuff themselves full of corn and will have nothing to do with us. Talk about a bunch of free-loaders!!
Anyway, at about the same time, our darling duchess (aka female turkey) had laid a clutch of eggs and was sitting all snug and cosy on top of them. And then lo and behold, the Overlord (Aka male turkey) came along and smashed up the eggs (we are not sure why he did this) and the poor duchess was left whimpering on top of a bunch of broken eggs, refusing to move.

This is when we decided upon Operation: Kidnap the Duchess. Gnome made a lovely luxury nest cabana-style in the coop.

In the middle of the night, Gnome stealthily grabbed and snatched the duchess and placed her in the new nest on top of 7 goose eggs. I assisted with a flash-light to guide the way. The next morning, we opened up the nest door to find the duchess all quiet and calm, sitting happily on top of her eggs. Since then, she has not moved at all and we place food, snacks (she loves bananas) and water by her side. We hope that the eggs hatch…we have about another two weeks to go. We did read on the Internet (although we are now cautious of any information that we read) that when a turkey sits on goose eggs, you actually need to help her move the eggs around on a daily basis and spray warm water to keep them humidified. Well, the Duchess will have none of that because she won’t get her off the eggs! God forbid that we try moving her about; she would probably freak out and we definitely do not want to de-brood her! Let’s hope and pray that we get a few goosies out of this one…

Keep on going Duchess!! You’re a Champion!!
Interesting!! How long until this one’s EDD 😁? I hope it works!
Thanks!! We are hoping it all works out too!!