It has been the third day of work to try and get the Piggie Cage done. Wasn’t as productive this time as it started to rain and there wasn’t quite enough cut lumber; I ended up trying to attach welded wire on to the front…I don’t really have the right tools to work with it (except tin-snips), which made it a painful and prolonged process of fitting. I was grateful when it started to rain so that I had an excuse to stop. But we must soldier on for the Piggies!!
Here is the photo for the third day of construction…

The saw is going to have to come out again for the fourth day and hopefully the weather will allow further work to be done. The cage is starting to get heavier each day and it will be interesting to see if it is as “movable” as I would like, especially once the Piggies are in it.
Happy Sunday to all.