Okay, so when we got up this morning, the sun was out but then the dark clouds moved in and then the sun peaked again and then, alas, there were clouds piling up from the east…oh, but then there was a bit of sun coming out again. We checked the weather report and it said there was a 50% chance of rain and 50% chance of no rain. When Panda came at 9am to help out on the farm, we sent him home since it started drizzling , the black clouds were gathering and there was a lot of thunder. As soon as he left, the sun came out again. The weather went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth until I could stand it no more. Gnome realised I was turning into Crazy Munchkin so said,
“Okay, let’s stay indoors and make it a jackfruit day.”
(Thank God for sensible, no nonsense and practical Gnomes).
Well, you might have seen our jackfruits already…they are huge. Gnome cut them in half and I separated the seeds from the flesh.

Prepared Fruit:

We cleaned two huge jackfruit which took about 1 and 1/2 hours. It is really hard work, by the way, but I shouldn’t complain because it is a tonne of food.
I haven’t enjoyed eating the seeds in the past…we found them rather mealy and disappointing. This time however, our harvest was from a different tree; the boiled seeds were surprisingly good and did actually taste of chestnuts. There must have been about 10lbs of jackfruit seeds.

Once you boil the seed, there is an outer covering which you need to take off. Here is a close up picture of a cooked jackfruit seed cut in half:

Our plan is to dry the boiled seeds in the sun (what sun??!!) and once they have dried, we will ground them into flour. That’s the plan anyway…
So today, we stuffed ourselves full of jackfruit and the boiled seeds. I think we over-ate a wee bit because we both have sore stomachs right now. We are trying to settle our symptoms down with some peppermint tea.
The rest of the fruit is being boiled up, as we speak, for wine; it is a murky mess right now but hopefully in a year, it will look like this:

So what’s it going to be tomorrow?? Sunny or Rainy.
Oh I might make marron glacé with the jackfruit nuts if I am in a good mood tomorrow….